Get Rid of the Guards

Climb up the rose trellis

Climb back down

Use the map and go to the docks

Enter the inn

Try to take the fishing rod under the stairs

Ask Anita about the fishing rod
(must have tried to take the fishing rod)

Take the fishing rod
(must have asked Anita about the fishing rod)

Go back outside

Walk left and check out the barrels

Go onboard the Winsome Maid

Check out the clothes hamper
(must have climbed the rose trellis)

Combine the cork with the iron stem

Combine the clothes hanger with the sheet

Combine the ghostly silhouette with the fishing rod

Go to Crab Island

Use the map and go to the French Quarter

Climb up the rose trellis

Use the flying silhouette with a guard

Climb down the rose trellis

Ask for Directions

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS

Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle Walkthrough
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle Guide
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle Soluce