Buy a Gold Earring

Repay the five doubloons to Captain Castillo
(must have at least five doubloons)

If you don't have at least five doubloons remaining you
can go back and play The Jackpot until you have enough

Leave the cabin

Talk to Diego

Go to the main deck and sail away

Sail to Hollow Island

Talk to Sancha

Walk left to the town gates

Walk right to the upper town square

Continue right to the lower town square

Ring Percy's bell

Return to the upper town square

Buy a gold earring from Sancha for two doubloons
(must have talked to Nacho about crew members)
(must be carrying at least two doubloons)
(must have rung Percy's bell)

If you don't have at least two doubloons you can ask the
captain for more or play The Jackpot on Crab Island

Investigate the Graveyard

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS

Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle Walkthrough
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle Guide
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle Soluce